Thursday, September 13, 2007
BLOG MOVED!well since many have complained that my blog just displays a white blank box on firefox and it's very troublesome to havta constantly highlight the words to be able to read them, i have moved!
NEW BLOG!so relink me and whatever else is necessary haha xD
well xanga is still foreign to me, like how i dunno how to add a tagboard so wait patiently while i seek help haha xD
and japan posts coming up there!
(well i am still salty about abandoning this blog cos -quotes seeepeee- there are many nice memories here, you know like nice posts xD so if i really CMI at xanga i shall try to redo the layout and continue with this blog. WE SHALL SEE xD)
10:44 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007
SINGFEST 09/08/07 (987 lol!) WILL BE MARKED AS THE MOST AWESOME DAY OF MY LIFE. let me narrate the entire day's event to you (:
i slept over at sipei's house so that we can go to the airport in the morning to receive TAI and COBRA. so at 4 am we woke up and got around the house preparing ourselves with the least amount of noise possible in order not to wake her family or else they might not let us leave at such an unearthly hour.
put on the santi shirt, santi tattoos, earrings and white band (from seeepeee xD) and we were all set to go!

met ky at the airport and wheeled our cobra and tai present in a trolley cos the tai one is way too huge xD it was a secret project all along but i guess now it can be revealed xD

TADAA! it's named the mosaic by jack the camera guy xD made up of 33000 pins in 23 hours over a span of 5 days in one month, at my house hahaha! (yes zhiying now you know why ky and seepeee are always coming to my hse xD)
so anyway we waited outside belt 38 (haha i am so fated with 8, it's like my lucky number maybe that's why we saw them xD) and was all jittery (well ky and i were), but seeepeee was going all i am not nervous at all cos i don't think they will come. and we kept convincing her that there's NO OTHER WAY. then we saw two girls and we knew they were there for TAI and COBRA too but they look so N_ _ x| then there was this dude and girl and i was asking the other two whether they were fans too but they thought that they might be sent by the record company or sth to receive them. turns out really to be so and they kept walking over to us and scrutinising us. think our shirts grabbed alot of attention (: but we basically had this silent war going it would have been hilarious if we werent busy fretting about the whole thing xD
then we just sat around and the luggages appear! we were really excited by all the silver boxes that we presumed are TAI and cobra's (and we were right), vickyt's is pink and we were all crazy over it ahahah xD
then i SAW SOMEONE! it was MIKE!!! mike was the first person i saw andden vickyt appeared and i went 'SEEEPEEE KY ISNT THAT MIKE AND VICKYT?!'
then we all jumped up from our seats and went to stand at the glass pane and stared as all of them started pouring out and we were just so fricking excited. by now more of those nyehh fans turned up but we were too excited to care xD
they were just getting their luggages and when they were done and were coming towards the exit, passing us on their way, WE STARTED WAVING LIKE CRAZY. at first they didnt really think we were waving at them but when they got closer BUTCHER WAVED AT US! ALWAYS THE FRIENDLY ONE (: then the others sorta realise we were there for them too and waved. chizzy didnt wave to us when we waved so when ky and seepeee started waving to some behind him, he waved back and i waved to him (: but chizzy was looking grumpy aww. GABE AND BILL WAVED AT US ZOMG I LOVE THIS TWO LADS xD
so we moved towards the exit with them but they decided to sit at a couch further frm the exit while waiting for their equipment to all be collected and we were the only ones that followed them while the other nyehh ppl stayed at the exit.
so they were like staring at us but sisky was like smiling and waving at us (: i bet he liked our shirts ahaha (: butcher was really interested in us and kept turning around to look at us ahaha. but ryland was all stoned and listening to his headphones. he's so long and scary lol xD
then they finally came out and this girl went 'THE BUTCHEEAR!' in this damn uncouth way and we were all like groans GROSS. then we waved at like alex and nate cos the other fans obviously only have eyes on william. hate this kinda ppl. vickyt waved and smiled at us too. she's so pretty (: then when bill came out all those teenies (yes i refused to call myself one xD) just FLOCKED over to him and we decided not to be like them. jack (TAI CREW - camera guy) came out with bill and so we waved and went 'HI JACK!' in this very, for a lack of better words, luna lovegood manner, and he went 'HIIIII!' in the same dreamy way back at us ahhaa.
we wanted him to pass the presents to TAI and COBRA for us and when he saw the TAI one (which is really humongous as can be inferred from the above photos haha) he was slightly shocked and went 'what is it? how are we gonna bring this back?' and we went all apologetic cos we were bringing so much trouble to them for giving them such a humongous present but he was really nice and just wanted to know what it is and whether the guys can open it so we told him to just read the letter we wrote, which basically shows what the present is like cos we didnt want them opening it until after they return to US cos they are gonna have a real hard time keeping it back afterwards xD)
then jack told us to pass the cobra present to cobra themselves cos they were all in front waiting. sipei was scared so i followed her while ky was left behind with the big tai present with jack. sorry dear at least you get to have jack alone for a while (:
ryland was leaning over his trolley, listening to his headphones and looking really freaky. plus he's soooo tall (i think he's like 2m tall? xD) so we didnt really dare approach him xD seeepeee wanted to go to vickyt but i was telling her to go to gabe cos he was right in front.
so we went 'hi gabe here's a present for cobra.' and he was smiling really appreciatively and going 'aww thank you so much!' and he opened it up hahah! so seeepeee hurriedly went 'you can open it later' (cos the presents are kinda spastic xD) and he went 'i can?' in this really cute way xD so he asked for our names and seepeee said that he could call her SP and i was like my name is fang and he was like really shocked cos there's this cobra phrase that's like FANGS UP! cos they are cobras hahaha xD so he was like 'FANG? F-E-N-G?' and i went 'no, F-A-N-G' xD and he was like 'as in like FANG?' does the vampire fangs kinda sign and i nodded and he was really amused and went 'WOW!' xD you reckon he likes my name? i think he does (:
and the next thing was just so sweet! he went 'thank you so much we really appreciate this' and he hugged us on his own accord. he's so tall though! a lil shorter than ryland and a lil taller than bill who's like 191 cm (supposedly). but he was nice and warm to hug. seeepeee couldnt reach him hahaha but i managed to reach his midsection, seeing that he helped by bending down too (:
so after we passed him the cobra present we went back to ky who just came from a nice convo with jack sisky and bill. and sisky was walking right behind her and she didnt realise lol and we kept mouthing to her but she didnt notice. we decided to pass the huge tai gift to him and he (like jack) got shocked by the size of it lol. and in this helpless voice, he called for tony (the band manager xD). tony came over and sisky explained the present and tony (just like everyone else) was surprised by its size. but he went 'we could take it' and the three of us breathed this HUUUGE sigh of relief (:
then we asked for a pic with sisky and it turned out real nice even though the person who helped us take it said she sucked at taking pictures. tada! -

sisky (bassist) is so nice and comfy! and he stretched his arms wide for us to come into his embrace (and we of course happily accepted the gesture haha) his eyes are beautiful and it's nice how he's not extremely tall like the rest so he's more reachable haha (: i am at his eye level woots xD
then bill (lead singer xD) walked towards us and we wanted a photo but he gave us a wait a moment gesture and he was just really zonked out (jetlagged poor thing). after getting a drink, we got our photo from him! he's so cute looking all lost and tired. his eyes are like larger than normal! and ky says he looks like an alien cos of his skinny face and big eyes but definitely the cutest alien you can find xD

he's so zomg fricking tall (: and there's a huge rip in his shirt but that makes him all the more sexy xD and we got hugs from him afterwards and he is an AWESOME hugger -goes starry eyed- he rubs his palm soothingly on your back as he hugs and his leather jacket is so soft and nice! but you could still feel through it how skinny he is xD and he has the amazing scent that makes you swoon. and he hugs for such a long time, the scent is just simply intoxicating xD we all agreed it smells like berries and the first thing you associate with it is PINK haha. it's just a really sweet scent that had us swooning haha (: seeepeee and i have decided that during our chem prac when we make esters, we will recreate the scent and add pink colouring and call it PINK HEAVEN (: WAIT AND SEE xD
and and and! JACK THE CAMERA GUY TOOK THE BILL PIC WITH MY CAMERA SO IT HAS BEEN BLESSED! hahaha xD seepeee says i should be motivated to take up photog (: and after that we got jack to sign our shirts and it's so cute he drew a camera xD

on our way to fort canning and meeting the other guys aka nate yunting and the chris dude.
it was raining when we reached so we got really bummed out but we persevered and made our way from dhoby ghaut to fort canning in the rain. stood in the tents for shelter and soon the rain dwindled and we started queuing. queuing, if you havent already known, is an extremely boring event and we were just chatting randomly and fangirling over the whole airport incident xD
then a van arrived and guess what?! IT WAS THE TAI CREW!!!

TONY (tour manager), JAMES (merch guy) and JOSH (guitar tech) appeared from it and got us all squealing! many didnt know who they were so it wasnt that big a hooha.

TONY! I LOVE TONY AND EVEN SEEEPEEE WAS CONVERTED INTO A TONY FAN YEST HAHA. it's so amusing that we are fangirling over the crew but that's how it is, they are just absolutely amazing xD we called out to them and waved but they were like really into their work. tony waved and james just smiled. we reckoned he's still salty about leaving australia (he's an aussie btw xD)
maya, this friend of seeepeee from malaysia who's one hella tai fan just like us, and some other taicamp ppl came and we just sat around (:
THE NEXT THING THAT HAPPENS WAS FUCKING AMAZING. THE ACADEMY IS JUST CAME OUT OF A VAN PARKED RIGHT OUTSIDE THE MAIN ENTRANCE, WHERE WE WERE QUEUING! it's so unlucky that nate jolene clee and gang decided to go for lunch at that time, leaving only me ky seeepeee and yunting. everybody rushed towards them and it was just so chaotic haha. they are so nice to stick around and do some fanservice i just adore this guys (: yunting was our photographer so i kept going 'WHERE'S YUNTING WHERE'S YUNTING?!' cos i was so scared she was lost in the crowd hahaha. and baby i love you for being there for us at this most impt time! xD

we didnt go to bill cos we already had enough interaction with him at the airport and since he had the most teenies around him i doubt it's a good move anyway xD but we did take a photo of him in his sexy leather jacket (:
we sought butcher, chizzy and mike cos we hadnt talked to them at the airport cos they had went on ahead while sisky and bill were mobbed.

we went to chizzy (guitarist) first cos we always thought he's really sweet and friendly but he's a lil salty that day too (must be the same as james, these two aussies must be real sad to leave their hometown yest xD) but he still took a photo with us and gave us a hug xD i looked like i was trying to act really tall in this pic haha xD

mike (guitarist) was so fricking nice we were so surprised! cos we always had this notion he will be really dao and stuff but he was quite the opposite! i asked if we could have a photo and he was like all chirpy and went 'TOTALLY!' and he commented on our shirt, saying that he really liked it (: and we got hugs from him too he's so huggable! hahah maybe cos he's of normal size! and his eyes are amazing too xD

last was butcher! my fav drummer xD he was so high! we were like hi butcher and he was like 'HI!' and i went 'could we have a photo pls?' and he went all 'SURE!' in this really friendly and hyped up tone that got me all high xD i love you butch you are so fucking amazing with the drums (and guitar and art) you are my idol! (: he was really soft considering how skinny he is, you would think he was all hard and skinny with bones sticking out but well, we guessed wrong xD he got a musky scent and i ADORE his TATTOOS (:
they went in after everyone was satisfied. dang you guys are so nice (: nate and gang came back and they were real bummed that they missed the band. jo must be devastated over not seeing sisky haha xD
one great thing after another i swear. gabe came to the barrier at the start of the queue and once again everyone swarmed to him it was suffocating being in the crowd haha. and the best thing was HE REMEMBERED US! we were like 'do you rmb us?' and he went 'of course! from the airport right?' then he told us that he loved the hats we gave them. zomg gabe you ROCK! and we all got photos with him.

gabe's phone (i presume xD) which has miffy bunny and a real cute keychain. aww gabe you are such a softie xD and he told a fan he likes hello kitty hahaa xD

he put his arm around my shoulder and did the fangs sign! whee face to face contact! I LOVE YOU GABE (:

i have to put this photo up cos it's the cutest thing on earth. yunting baby you looked so cute and gabe looked so protective over you (:
action going on beyond the gate:

from right: ryland, bill (biting his fingernails xD), gabe, sisky, chizzy
then ryland came out to the gate too and another mob ensued xD got a pic and hug from him! he's so tall i was like hugging his stomach and my face was only at his chest hahaha xD

pleasure (ryland) island (:

dang i wished he had taken out his shades cos ryland has the most beautiful eyes ever (:
yeah so continues the waiting but now that there was a whole mob after gabe and ryland came out, the queuing was sorta screwed up so there was this big mess (woots) and everyone just got pissed (as expected xD) but we were quite pro, the four of us (nate seeepeee ky and i) squeezed to the first few in the queue. then this irritating dude who thinks he is so smart suggested that everyone be tagged before going in. what his poor non-existent brain forgot to tell him was that it would be A WHOLE FRICKING STAMPEDE WHEN THEY OPEN THE GATES! but Mr. Red just thinks he is so smart -___-, even after we exclaimed in a polite way that ppl will push and he should let us in in pairs or sth. ARGH STUPID SHIT. he still went 'OKAY WE NEED YOUR COOPERATION, PLEASE DO NOT PUSH.' wow they will so listen to him man.
the gates opened and just as expected everyone surged forward and ran like our life depends on it towards the stage. along the way there were security and police people and they were all like DON'T RUN but who cares?! i was with nate while ky and seepeee got separated from us so we just ran all the way and when we reached the front row still had vacancies. we were on the right whereas seeepeee and ky were on the left so i went to join them cos how can i be at singfest without my two tai buddies?! hahah but nate wanted her synyster on the right so she stayed and when i reached the left i told clee and jo to go over to nate, and so we got split up but it's okay! i think we had fun (:

us waiting for the show to start (:
the DJs were cute hahah they were called Eye Candy Twins and they were on our side. they are like really high and dancey as they played the songs between the breaks of the bands.

they are from UK and they are like kinda cute (for their age xD). we like the gray one better cos he looked younger but the white dude is just fricking high (: and they smiled at us cos we made an effort to move along to the songs in between the breaks woots. and they came out with hoses at one point and i waved at them to spray at our direction so they sprayed at me and i realised how bad an idea it was cos TAI was up next and my specs were all speckled with water hahaha loser me (: ky and i said that we were gonna go take up DJing andden we can call ourselves the EYE CANDY FRIENDS! hahaha is there copyright? (:
first up was great spy experiment and i havta say they arent all that bad. think they did us proud by being the only singaporean band performing xD
next was one buck short (malaysia) and hearing all those insults about them from seeepeee, ky, yunting, nate and zhiying i was like really brainwashed to think they sucked. so when the lead singer came prancing out on stage and jumping around, jiggling his whole body of fats, i got sorta put off haha. but after that it was just not bad singing so we all agreed that they weren't all that bad. ky and seeepeee agreed that they had improved alot since FOB and them claiming they have "prepared this for a real long time" has really paid off (:
crowned king was up next and maybe cos we werent really expecting much, they sounded amazing to us (: I LOVE SHAUN HE'S SUCH A HOTTIE! xD CANADIANS ARE FRICKING HOTTIES (e.g. zegers, yunting you agree?)

first he took off his jacket cos he couldnt take the heat and so i hurriedly made seeepeee take a photo. and subsequently, as he took off his shades, unbuttoned his first button, unbuttoned his whole top, took of his shirt, i was squealing and making seepeeee take a picture everytime hahaha. so fangirl right? but who cares he's hot. the drummer chris was very hot too but he didnt take off his shades dang! yunting apparently was shouting for him to take off his clothes. hahaha you are more pervy than me!

when he took off his top he was like talking about how "i know you guys don't wanna see my skinny ass" BUT HELLA HE'S HOT xD hahah and their lyrics were really easy to get the hang of so ky and i were like singing along really happily during the chorus such that at one part where he came over to us, he smiled at us (most probably thinking we are their real fans since we know all the lyrics) zomg so funny! i was so amused by his gullibleness (: but i am really gonna get myself exposed to crowned king's music! xD
(digression: yunting says she wanna go canada to get a hot bf but first she's going clementi for he-who-must-not-be-named-whom-yunting-loves and if she is rejected, she will be on the first plane to canada hahaha. and i promised her that if news of B-dude getting married gets out, i will buy two tix to canada and go with her for hottie therapy hahaha so i get to comfort her and enjoy myself at the same time lol)
TAI CREW CAME ONSTAGE TO SET UP AND WE ALL STARTED FANGIRLING OVER THEM LOL! they must be the most popular crew ever xD we screamed for them and waved and josh smiled in the dao way (whaddya expect, it's josh xD) and james and tony just smiled before busying themselves with work xD this girl behind me asked who tony was and i told her. then she went all "TONY TONY!!!!" argh hate this kinda shallow ppl x|
and next up was cobra and we just went WILD xD when they came on stage we just displayed the FANGS UP sign woots. i bet they were happy to see that (: gabe in his purple hoodie as always. love it it's so gay a colour but i love it on him he's looks so good and cool with it xD
we were standing where ryland is and staring into his amazingly beautiful eyes is just such a plus point since the press is situated right in front of us and kinda blocks us from the band. then we decided to stand on the barricades to elevate ourselves and we jumped so much i think we shifted it hahhaa xD at least gabe noticed us and flashed us a sign of recognition (:
anyway i am really lazy to watermark pictures so learning from nate, who only puts up lousy shots (smart! you go girl! xD), i am only gonna put up videos (which do not needa be watermarked haha) you can go to nate or seepeee's blog for photos if you want (:
Send My Love to the Dancefloor, I'll See You in Hell (Hey Mister DJ)the starting is so cute haha. "OH MY WORD!" and i love the fangs up move they made (cant you tell it's just for me? xD) by the way the voice you hear singing really loudly aint really gabe but the person who filmed this vid haha. later on (like after 1:40) he doesnt sing that much so then you can hear gabe (: i love gabe's dancing and jump it's so unique! ryland is so dorky haha when he's jumping it's so weird cos he's like so long and everything he doesnt look like he's even jumping at all lol. LOVE THE PART WHERE GABE SWINGS THE MIKE (4:01) and the dance (if y ou could call it so) at the end. damn gabe you are such an awesome performer (:
It's Amateur Night at the Appollo Creed!i see sisky in the background (: YOU CAN PUT YOUR HANDS UP! zomg that part was so high we were pumping our arms in the air so enthusiastically. "NICE SOCKS" zomg the part he smelt vickyt's shoes was so (0:41) cute xD LOVE HIS THRUSTING (shit i sound like some porn freak xD) when he carresses his coughsmanhoodcoughs (1:01) it was such a great turn on and had all of us screaming our heads off hahaha you go gabe! this is a man who's totally comfortable with his own body (maybe a lil too much?) well i guess he just wants to entertain. and trust me, YOU HAVE DONE JUST THAT, PROBABLY MORE! (: and i love ryland's solo (1:51) zomg guy ripley you are so cool! xD HIGH TILL NO END!
The Church of Hot Addictionone of my all time fav cobra song xD G-A-B-E YOU GOT ME SO HIGH! YOUR LIGHT IS ELECTRIC! HEY-HEY-HEY! FRICKING HIGH! gabe with his erotic movements again (0:19) zomg this dude is one hella entertainer xD disclaimer: those screams that ensued were not ours cos this vid is not taken by us xD but well not like we were keeping silent during his act too -guilty grin-
Snakes on a Plane (Bring it!)clearer sound but worse quality xD
seeepeee's video with nice quality but the bass is quite loud xD so i shall just put two up (:
SNAKES OAP IS THE MOST AMAZING SONG EVER, I SWEAR! (cos there's multiple goodies - gabe, bill and travis/sisky!) when bill came out everyone just went MAD and they surged forward wooo freaky xD before he came in he was standing by the steps so we, spotting him, waved at him while shouted his name and he saw us and smiled and waved back xDxD travis was BLOODY SLEEPING so he didnt make it for his part in the rap so SISKY TOOK OVER (since he performed it during the australia tour too when travis wasnt there) and I AM SORRY BUT I LOVE THIS COMBI MORE. shit i hear us screaming for sisky like fangirls in the second vid aka seeepeee's (1:15) -runs away in embarrassment-
bill's HOT PINK UNDERWEAR was protuding so obviously and his shirt was INSIDE OUT! (seeepeee and i came up with the STT
[SINGFEST TRECKETT THEORY], it's really juicy so ask us if you wanna know about it! zomg seeepeee and i have like secret fetishes that no one shld know of xD)
once again vickyt and bill shares a mike *jealous* hahaha just kidding i adore vickyt too (: and when the chorus came out and bill's amazing voice came through, he just blew us away and made us all holler with him zomg i thought i was gonna lose my voice xD
-calms down and returns to fangirl mode-
i love how gabe always does a cute goodbye wave when the line 'SO KISS ME GOODBYE!' comes on (: you are <3, style="display: inline;" id="vidDescRemain">
No need for nervousness It's just a little baby dick! (thing actually but he just had to twist it )" at the last part and pointed at gabe's manhood zomgoo so mean! hahaha but gabe was still looking so proud of himself hahaha that's dude is clueless man xD and i cant believe clee aka bruise almighty caught that on camera! YOU PWN CRYS! xD
OH I'M READY FOR IT, COME ON BRIIIIING IT!! xD and as bill struts offstage he displays more of his sexy underwear haha (: and the way ryland alex and vickyt headbanged at the end looks like they are having loads of fun!
other songs they played:
- the kids are all fucked up (i was hollering
YEAH THE KIDS ARE ALL FUCKED UP at the chorus so loudly cos i think that simply sums up most of our lives xD)
- Keep it Simple
- It's Warmer in the Basement
- The Ballad of Big Poppa and Diamond Girl (when he sang "
spanish ass" he was at our area and he looked at us while he caressed his ass! hahaha gabe you tease!)
ky and i agreed the spanish flavour in their songs is so unique! woots cobra starship rocks and gabe is one heck of a performer dude! he loves his body so much he can stop thrusting and touching himself lol (but it's okay i like it -pervy grins-). at the start he talked about how some don't like singapore's weather (SUCH AS ME) cos it's all hot and once you get out of the room you start sweating, BUT HE LIKES IT COS HE LOVES GETTING WET. and ryland starts teasing him about how GABE IS THE WETTEST PERSON THAT DAY (zomg guys refrain yourselves there are kids in the crowd! but i think not many ppl got it cos we were the only few laughing haha us pervs)
zomg seeing them onstage right in front of your eyes is the most surreal feeling ever. i had to take like 10 seconds to finally knock into my head that TAI IS REALLY PERFORMING HERE! BILL totally CHARMED the reporters and had them clicking their shutters so rapidly lol. we concluded that gabe is more of a performer but bill is a (NATURAL) charmer (:
sequence of set:
- The Phrase that Pays
LAX to O'HareSUPER OBVIOUS CAPTURE OF HIS HOT PINK UNDERWEAR HAHAHA! and dang this vid didnt capture the orgasmic part I WENT CRAZY LITERALLY. for those who want to know what the orgasmic part is, i will gladly play my message tone for you xD
Black Mamba
my fav song from Almost Here and just one of my all time favourites basically (: it's the first TAI song i fell in love with xD
Bulls in Brooklynanother highlight cos the first part of the lyrics is on our shirts:
SOME PEOPLE HAVE IT, AND OTHER PEOPLE DON'T! the chorus part bill came over and he looked at us as we sang our hearts out and i think he was really pleased with us xD
- Seed
really touching song.
- Everything We Had
EMO! haha the only song that we didnt holler to and we look the most composed here. jack (the camera guy) took lotsa footage of us during TAI's set so if he decides to use any of it, i am crossing my fingers that it is this xD
Slow Downfirst tai song i heard so i just have this connection to it (:
We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands
FRICKING HIGHEST SONG EVER! i think you can see from the video too, this song is hard not to headbang too lol. and i absolutely adore bill's talking voice at the start -melts- and bill's legs make me jealous xD
AHHHHHHHH NOW WE'VE GOT A BIG BIG MESS OF OUR HANDS TONIGHT! (when it all comes crashing...) i wish it never ended -wishful smile-
Neighboursbill's so high here xD and sisky is so cool here (okay not just here everywhere else xD) and i spot gabe! he's so supportive of his labelmates (: and the most FUCKING AMAZING THING HAPPENS! (0:47) after he lifted up his shirt during "well now everybody's LOSING CONTROL!", the three of us, loving the acoustic version, went "WOOOOOOW!" just like sisky has done in it and it seems that bill noticed and really appreciate us REAL FANS hahaha and look what he did?!
HE POINTED AT US, THEN HIS OWN HEART, MOUTH I LOVE YOU THEN BLOWS US A KISS! it all happened within a span of 5 SECONDS so we were absolutely STUNNED. haha these other fans look over at us jealously and the three of us finally registered it in our heads and started squealing like mad hahaha. BILL YOU MADE MY DAY, SWEETIE! this has been one of our favourite songs cos of the acoustic version and now it's definitely much much more (: chizz's guitaring was cool and gabe appears once again! (you attention seeker! haha but i am loving ur presence) but you meano you dropped the mikestand and made tony (TONY!!!! -squeals- sorry i am a tony fangirl) come out to retrieve it but i love any form of tony exposure (:
CheckmarksLAST SONG! bill waving a fan made TAI banner xD LOOONG LEGS -drools- BILL YOU ARE SO CHARMING DARN! too bad this vid didnt make it till the end xD butcher drummed so hard till he fell off his stool and i was laughing like crazy at that xD and bill did his jump off! what an ending! I LOVE TAI YOU GUYS ARE SO FRICKING AMAZING you wow me endlessly xD
shoutout before the last song:
his hot pink underwear most clearly exposed haha xD and he kept repeating that they are the academy is, somewhat like he thinks that he has to introduce the band to us more cos he believe we aren't all that familiar with them but HELL i think TAI has one of the biggest fanbase during SINGfest! so bill, there's no need to be some humble, SINGAPORE LOVES YOU SO YOU HAVTA COME BACK AGAIN! (:
In between some songs Bill said that he was very touched by the fans and he pointed in our direction when he was referring to the SANTI shirts xD and he promised that they will come back for a smaller and more
intimate show after their Sleeping With Giants tour! that had us going ABSOLUTELY BERSERK! (seeing them actually coming to singapore is amazing enough, but coming back again? that's simply
btw Ryland appeared at the side of the stage in our same Santi shirt and we waved to him and he waved back haha xD
we were contemplating whether to leave after TAI's set cos GCH was next and we were worried they might do 7 weeks, but in the end some media dude told us that Bill was doing signings, so we decided to leave to like say bye to him cos we wont be going to the airport to send them off later that night when they fly off to japan.
When we got to the signing area Bill and Gabe were completely mobbed by TEENIES (some didnt even know who they are before singfest i bet grahh).
gabe signed our shirts whee (:
maya got a pic with bill and it was real cute cos bill's eyes were all wide xD AHH SO ADORABLE (:

Then when we finally squeezed to the front and i asked bill if he could sign our shirts, this woman came up and told bill that he had to go and guess what he did?! HE SAID "
oh can i sign for these last 3 girls then, because they have been really amazing". I MELTED RIGHT THERE AND THEN. YOU ARE SUCH A SWEETHEART AND IT REALLY MEANS ALOT TO US THAT YOU APPRECIATE OUR SUPPORT. He then talked to us in this really cute and like somewhat shy tone, and commented that we were really amazing during the concert and that our shirts were awesome. AND he asked us if we will come to their show if they return and I FELT AN INNANE NEED TO SHOUT 'DUH!' but that would be so mean to bill xD we said of course and it was so cute that he sounded kinda worried, almost as if he was gonna cry or be real sad if we said that we weren't (and he only asked us that, take that you teenies! xD) We got our shirts signed and i told him to sign it really huge and he said in this really helpless tone "my handwriting isnt really big so this is the best i can do". he's so sweet and i absolutely adore his autograph now haha xD he left for the backstage tent after he hugged us (again teehee) and he wasnt sweaty or stinky even though he just performed. SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE haha (:
We were at the back for GCH and when good vibrations came out we went wild hahah and ppl were staring at us cos we were such front row material xD
good vibrations:
bill and gabe went onstage for
Cupid's Chokeholdat 3:40 bill came over to travis and gave him A BIG HUG and we just erupted in cheers of "TRECKETT!!! TRECKETTTT!!" hahaha xD SHO SWEET.
we went out to the backstage area again after gym class was done cos we reckoned the three bands are leaving so we wanted to say bye, and hopefully get our sisky hug. alex came over and he signed our shirts plus we got hugs xD he's real nice and i hate it that we were the only ones who recognised him and the rest were just ppl who surged forward after finding out he's someone famous. SHALLOW.
then we stoned around a lil more and we saw ryland who was walking by and we shouted for him. he walked towards us and ripped off his jacket and flashed the santi shirt which we were all wearing xD he's so cute haha and then he gave us three hi-5s (: and to think we were still scared of him at the airport in the morning xD
and we took another photo with him but our shirts got covered so it couldnt be seen that he was wearing the same shirt as us x|

sweaty us (eeks i look damn gross) and ryland with his beautiful eyes! (this photo doesnt do his eyes justice i swear xD)
we didnt manage to get our sisky hug but as they left we called out to them and sisky turned and waved at us but didnt come to give us hugs (aww dang xD) and butcher and jack waved back to us really enthusiastically. gabe was real nice when he said bye too dang it was so sad seeing their backs, walking further and further from us.
during A7x perf we were just emoing on the grass and seeepee cried. cheer up babe (: quite a pity that we didnt get to enjoy a7x but i really like synyster's solo. a small portion of it here xD
but nonetheless i had the time of my life and i really want to thank TAI and COBRA for it, not just for their wicked performances but also their down-to-earth characters and the way they made time for their fans. i really like how they make you feel so special and i just wanna say, YOU GUYS HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE (for the better obviously). even though you guys are so tired from the flying around, you made the effort to interact with us and i wanna say i really appreciate it (even though you wun be reading this lol)
JUST TO LET YOU KNOW, YOU HAVE GIVEN ME EVERYTHING I HAD HOPED FOR, AND SO MUCH MORE. THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU GUYS! <3 style="font-weight: bold;">takeaways! (the good and the bad) :
- the surreal feeling of seeing them appear the airport
- conversations with jack and gabe
- pictures with sisky, bill, butcher, mike, chizzy, ryland and gabe
- hugs from bill, butcher, mike, chizzy, ryland, gabe and alex
- signatures from jack, bill, alex and gabe

- new friendships forged
- hella fun from all the perfs
- hollering our hearts out to Cobra and TAI
- gabe looking at us when he sang "spanish ass" while caressing his ass during that line
- gabe's thrusting movements (that had the security grossed out i think hahaha)
- BILL'S HOT PINK UNDERWEAR WHICH IS THE SEXIEST THING ALIVE (and to those who think he is gay, go brooke yourselves)
- bill's amazing control of the mike as he performs some micophone acrobatics that totally bought over the crowd (:
- bill's words which will remain forever in our minds and his pointing at us and mouthing i love you, then blowing a kiss (yes seeepeee it won't be relegated to just memories)
- jack and ryland wearing the same shirts as us xD
- gabe's sincerity
- mike's surprising friendliness
- butcher's cuteness and always and i will never forget how he fell off the drumset at the end xD
- ryland's stripping and hi-5!
- fangirling over the tai crew
- horrid possibility that our unglam moments will be shown on taitv
- bruises on my arms, pelvic area (from leaning onto the barricade too much x|) and thighs
- blisters on my ankles
- muscle aches on my arms from pumping arms and fangs up sign too much and enthusiastically
SINGFEST ROCKASS! (but it would have been better if we had gotten all access passes. darn you midas)
sisky you owe us a hug each xD
and jack you owe us a photo! (:
and finally finally, to BILL:
WE LOVE YOU TO NO END! (and we promised that when you come back the next time, those three words are gonna be the first thing that is coming out of our mouths xD) you have made us felt so loved and appreciated and even though we didnt voice it, we hope you know that deep down in our (me seepeee and ky) hearts, you will always be the one we LOVE. thanks for being so awesome and sweet to us and changing our lives for a whole load better. WE LOVE YOU <3
9:53 AM
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
nice sky! hope it's like that too on singfest so the photos will turn up with amazing backgrounds xD

heineken stalls set up all over. the thought of rowdy fans with booze is freaking me out x|

this really posh area which we do not get the purpose of xD

THE STAGE! with the crew setting up and doing sound checks xD

DHL BALLOON AT BUGIS! so sad seeepeee and i didnt get on it the other time x|


the spotlights! (:

ARTIST TENTS! (cackles)

stuntman hanging precariously -gasps-

excited spasmos (:
waiting to check in xD

nice bathtub and view! (:

see my pretty shoes? xD right at the door (:

really "artistic" decoration on the restaurant wall xD

sorry camwhoring and my hair is screwed up cos i just woke up (:


the NDP stage! (:

CARACAL! (martin in checkered shirt xD)

the crowd xD pretty rowdy so we were glad for making the right choice to watch from the bridge (:

lousy emcees frm hit fm that kept going BAYBITS! -___-



love seeepeee (:

someone's sad her he-who-must-not-be-named-but-all-of-you-already-know-who-B-dude didn't come, or at least she didnt see him xD
9:07 PM